Newborn week was celebrated by Gujarat NNF on 28 Nov Saturday 2020 as a virtual CME on Zoom platform.
The topic was very interesting, a very practical CME on Breast milk Banking was discussed.
Dr Umesh Vaidya gave an excellent talk on the benefits of Breast milk . Dr Umesh Vaidya put forth his points with multiple defences with high level of evidence.
Following the Dr Biraj Thakkar gave a very practical talk on the Actual functioning of a Breast milk Bank. It was an eye opening was a very interactive session. A lot of practical points were discussed in details.
Dr Biraj also gave a virtual tour of the bank.
Following this Dr Ketan Bharadva gave a talk on the art and science of organising a milk donation camp. It is a mammoth task to organise a milk donation camp with multiple agencies involved. Dr Ketan gave a very lucky talk and poured out all his practical experience of organising such camps since many years.
Total of more than 60 participants had joined the CME and was highly appreciated.
The quarterly newsmagazine of Gujarat State NNF " Neoblase " was also released by the hands of senior Neonatologist Dr Ashish Mehta.
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