
About Us



Prepared by
Dr. Satish Pandya
Hon. Secretary 98-2000

(Based on Document of Central NNF, modified for regional needs)

Memorandum. Of Association
Neonatalneonatology Forum is a registered body of national level.
Society registration no: - 5/12637/1982
Registration of Society Act XXI of 1860.
The registered office of the society is situated e Delhi state and the present address is:
-Departmental of Pediatrics Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi - 110029

Gujarat state Chapter is formed to better organize NNF activities at regional level.
The memorandum of association is essentially same as that of parent body (1995) except few Considering the regional nature of activities.

Following are the main points:


Name Ofthe Society

RegisteredOffice: -
The Registered Office of the Society Shall hesituated in BARODA and at present it is at the followaddress: -

Dr. Satish Pandya,
Hon Secretary,
Varun Children Hospital,
Opp Shastri School
Water Tank Road,
Phone No.: (0265) 441671, 444103

3) Aims and 0jectives

The aims and objective for which this society is established are as follows:

  1. To encourage and advance the knowledge, study and practice of the science of Neonatology all possible ways.
  2. To provide facilities to scholars and for the study of or research in Neonatology in any of aspects by way of scholarships. Fellowships, grants and endowments etc.

Power and duties of office bearers, members and Governing Body shall be as follows: -

The Governing Body shall, subject to these rules exercise a such powers end do as may be exercised or done by the society.

The Governing Body may appoint Committee consisting of members of the Society and delegate to the such powers and duties as it may think fit.

The Governing Body may frame regulations consistent with these rules for regulating the proceed of the board or its committees’ election of members of the board and the conduct of the affair, of the society.

The Governing body shall meet at such time and place as may be necessary for the transection of the business of the society as directed by the president, and ordinarily it shall meet not less than twice in a year.

Meeting of the Governing body shall be converted by the secretary in Consultation and the president.

Ordinarily fifteendays’ notice shall be given of all meetings to the members of Governing body except in case of emergency when a meeting may be called at seven days’ notice at the expert direction of the president.

The quorum of the Governing Body meeting will comprise four or more members. If there is no quorum within 15 minutes of the scheduled time, the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour and reconvened. NO quorum well be necessaryfor the reconvened meeting.

One third of the members of the Governing Body through a written request of the Secretary can requisition extraordinary meeting of the Governing Body. if there be so quorum for the extraordinary meeting with 15 minutes of schedule time, the meeting shall be adjourned.There shall be no provision for reconvening as adjourned extra-ordinary meeting of the GoverningBody.

The President shall preside at meetings of the Governing Body, but in his absence the members present shall elect one from amongst themselves to preside over the meeting.

Every question submitted to a meeting of the Governing Body shall be decided according to the majority of the votes cast by the members present and voting at succeeding meeting. Inthe case of equality of votes, the President shall have a second or casting vote in addition to this vote as a member.

In the event that the secretary considers a decision is required urgently, he may circulate a proposal and if he receives signed approval for this proposal from a majority of members, this shall constitute a resolution as effective as one passed at a meeting duly convened and held

The Governing Body shall have the power to terminate the appointment of its members and/or any other Committee Appointed by it, fin the opnion of it three fourth majority, the continuation of such appointment is not in the interests of the Society.

(13)The Power and Function of the Secretary:

(a) In all important matters pertaining to the working of the Society and the organization of conferences.seminars etc. Secretary shall consult the Presidentbefore taking a decision exceptin cases of emergency.

Saurashtra zone:Rajkot, Junagarh, Surendernagar, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Amreli and Porbandar Districts.
South zone:Surat, Valsad, Bharuch, Dang andPanch Mahal Districts.

  1. All members, except category (d) and (e) of Society will be eligible to seek election and to propose, second the nomination of candidates and to vote. An ordinary member will exercise thisright only if she/he has paidmembership dues date till year of election.
  2. The secretary in consultation with the President will finalize the election schedule. He will send notice seeking nomination to the above posts to all the members. After scrutiny she/he will Circulate the ballots and instructions for voting to all the eligible member A notice of one month shall be given for receiving nomination papers and for the return of ballot papers.
  3. For seeking election to any. of the above posts the candidates shall file signednominationpapersduly proposed and seconded by one eligible member each.
  4. A society member can seek election for only one the posts in the Governingbody.
  5. Any member, who has any complaint regarding the election, shall give the same n writing addressed to the Secretary within 21 days of the declaration of results. An election tribunal nominated by the Governing Body shall go into the complaints and the decision of the tribunalshall be final.

Governing Body:

The Society shall have a Governing Body consisting of the following:

  1. President
  2. President-Elect
  3. Secretary
  4. Joint Secretary Cum Treasurer
  5. Seven members of Governing Body nominated by the president for aPeriod of next 2 years. Outof these seven one will be an Obstetrician and one will be a Nurse.

(a) The President-elect, after tenure of 2 years will automatically assume charge of President forperiod of next 2 years.

(b) The Secretary and joint Secretary of the society shall belong to BARODA as office of the GujaratChapter of NNF is located in Baroda.

(c) The Joint Secretary Cum Treasurer and Secretary will be elected every alternate year for a periodof 2 years.

To organize conferences, lectures, meeting's, seminars, exhibitions for Objectives.
To co-operate and affiliate with other bodies and also to engage in such other for as may be decided upon by the society from time to the for the purpose of cane.
Any of the objectives of the society.
To do all such other things as may be necessary, incidental conducive or co
Attainment of the above objectives or any of them.
All income of the society shallbe utilized towards the promotion of aims and objectives of society.


(1) Name of the Society:
Gujarat State Chapter of "NATT1ONAL NEONATOLOGY FORUM” (hereinafter referred to as the "Society) has been established for the objectives specified in the Memorandum of Association.

(2&3) Membership and Subscription:- According to clause 15-d, iii, of NF Memorandum 10 life Member of NNF Can form a state chapterinwiden the scope of activity and to reach out to morebeneficiaries following categories of membership are decided.

The membership of the society shall be of four classes namely:
(a) Associate
(b) Associate Lite
(c) Life
(d) Corporate

Eligibility for Membership:

(a) Associate Ordinary Membership:
Pediatricians and Obstetricians having DCH/MD/DGO Diplomat NationalBoard.Nurses.(Withgradation) are eligible to become Associate Ordinary Member.
(b) Associate Life Membership: Same as (a)
(c) Life Membership: Only Life Members of NNF are eligible.
(d) Corporate Membership: A medical firm or manufacturer of equipment or a corporate house.

Voting Rights will be with our life members

(a) Associate Ordinary Membership Rs.100/ per annum. The subscription will be due on the 1st of January
(b) Associate Life Member: Rs. 500/-
(c) Life Membership Fees: Rs. 300/-
(d) Corporate Membership Fees: Rs. 2500/-

(5) Cessation of Membership
He or she will cease to be member ofthe societyin case the dues are not paid for minimum of two years.

(6) Proposal for Membership
(a) Any person who fulfills above mentioned conditions can propose to be a member.
(b) The proposal shall be in the prescribed application form for membership of the Society andshall be duly filled in and signed by the person proposed and shall be accompanied by the fees mentioned inrules abovewhichshall be returned if the Governing bodydoes not accept the proposal.
(c) The proposal for election shall be Considered by the Governing Body at its meeting held next after date on which the proposal is submitted to the society.

  1. Have administrative control over all the affairs of the Society
  2. Have charge of correspondence in relation to the Society
  3. Keep accurate minutes of allthe meetings of Society and Governing Body
  4. Prepare the annual report of the Society
  5. Have charge of the furniture, library and all documents and assets of the Society
  6. collect all dues of the society and deposit all documents of the society
  7. Pass all bills for payments on behalf of the Society
  8. Be an ex-officio member of all committees, and
  9. Perform all such other dutiesas are incidental to the office

The Powers and Function of the Joint Secretary cum Treasurer

She/he will assist in the discharge of organizational and financial duties with special reference to the following:

(a) Shall be responsible for keeping up-to date accounts of the Society with all the accountbooksposted up-to-date.

(b) Shall dispose of the bill for payment as sanctioned by the Secretary and only on his writteninstruction.

(c) Shall maintain an up-to-date register of all the and ordinarymembers with their completeaddress.

(d) Shallprepareabudgetof the estimatedexpenditure of the Society foreach year and present the same for review to the Governingbody.

(e) Shall get the accounts of the Society audited by the auditors.

(f) Shall prepare an annual statement of accounts and balance sheet showing the financial positionof the Society, get it audited by the auditors appointed at the Annual General Meeting of theSociety and present it for adoption by the Governingbody and

(g) Shall be jointly responsible with the Secretary for all the financial affairs of the society

(h) The bank account of the Society shall be maintained in a nationalized bank and will be jointlyoperated by the Secretary and Joint secretary cumTreasurer.

Privilege of the Members:

To attend annual meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops organized by the Society.

To receive communications and publications of the society free of cost or at a subsidized price.

To propose, second and elect and get elected as office bearers or nominated as members of theGoverning Body.

To enjoy such other privileges may be determinedby the Governing body fromtime totime

Powers and Duties of General Body

An annual General Body meeting of the society, for which one notice wouldbe be held once in a calendar year at the venue of the Annual Convention At the Annual General meeting,the following business Shall be transacted

  1. Confirmation of the minutesofthelast Annual General Meeting
  2. Considering and adoptionof theAnnual report of the Society
  3. Consideration andadoptionofthe audited statement of accounts.
  4. Appointment of auditorsand fixing their remuneration
  5. Appointment of Honorary legal Advisors
  6. Any other business notice of which has been calculated with the agenda
  7. Any other businessof which 15 days’ notice has been give to the Secretary in writing.
  8. Any other business with permission of the president.

No business shallbe transacted at any annual general meeting unless a quorum is present at the commencement of the meeting.

Fifteen ordinary and/orlife member presentshall from a quorumGeneral Meeting.If within half an hour of the time fixed for the meeting, a quorum is not present the meeting shall standadjourned to a later time on the same day and at the same place. A quorum shall Not be needed adjourned meeting.

Extraordinary General Body Meeting can be requisitioned on the written request of20 members Society addressed to the secretary at a venue to be decided by the President.

At all requisitioned meetings, one third members shall form aquorum. If there is no quorum within an hour of the time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall be dissolved.

The President of the Society shall preside at the Annual General Meeting, or requisitioned meeting and other meetings of the Society. In his absence, the members present shall elect from amongst themselves a Chairman from the meeting.

A question may be submitted to a meeting of the members present and voting may occur. In case of a be the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his own.

All statutory notices required to be sent to the members under these rules shall be sent by post under certificate of posting to the last known address recorded in the register of members. A notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of post.

All notices, communications, memoranda and other papers shall be signed or authenticated by the Secretary and when so signed or authenticated shall be conclusive.

No expenditureshall be incurred unless the same has been included in the annual budgets and approved by the Governing Body.

The financial year will be according to the calendar year from 1 January to 31st December.

The source of income of Society will be membership fees, subscriptions and any gifts etc.

As the year 1998 is the starting year a present team (List enclosed) has been nominated by the state of ordinated to work till Dec.2000. From the year 2001 formal election will be help.

FSSENTTAL CERTTPICATF "Certified that this is the correct copy of the rules & Regulation of the Society
Sd/- Sd/- PresidentSecretary
List of Office Bearers for the Year 1998-2000.
President : Dr. Shashi vani
Secretary : Dr. Satish Pandya
Jt. Secretary Cum Treasurer : Dr. Uma Naik
Executive Members of the Governing Body:
1. Dr. J. R. Gohil
2. Dr. Dulari Gandhi
3. Dr. Nirmal choraria
4. Dr. H. K. Takwani
5. Dr. Navin Thakkar